Doctrine & Covenants 126:1-3

At the time I completed my two years of full-time missionary service in New York I returned home with full determination to continue serving as if I'd only been transferred. I soon learned that this was exactly what the Lord wanted me to do. I was called to serve as a ward missionary, had many missionary experiences on the bus and at the University of Utah, and was later called to serve as a ward mission leader. Overall this resulted in at least four-and-a-half years of unceasing involvement in missionary work, all of which I tried my best to make as effective as possible. And it produced quite an intriguing concoction of exhaustion and joy.
In addition, I also served as an ordinance worker in the Bountiful Temple for about six hours each Saturday. Assisting in temple and family history work was another large priority of mine, which brought invaluable blessings into my life as well. With this, combined with my missionary efforts, one could easily say that the work of salvation was my number one priority.
And then the time came when I met my later-to-be-wife, Bethany, and got engaged to be married. But being engaged was no excuse to me to put an end to my involvement in the work of salvation. Therefore, I continued. And then, within less than a week of the upcoming wedding day, I read a scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants during my personal study that was God speaking to me:

"...thus saith the Lord unto you: My servant Brigham, it is no more required at your hand to leave your family as in times past, for your offering is acceptable to me. I have seen your labor and toil in journeyings for my name. I therefore command you to send my word abroad, and take especial care of your family from this time, henceforth and forever. Amen."   D&C 126:1-3

As I pondered on this revelation given to Brigham Young in 1841, I felt God speaking the same words to me. I felt as if God were telling me that the many labors and efforts I had put into the work of salvation were accepted. But, more importantly, I felt the prompting that now it was time to change. No longer was it required of me to use every extra interval of time and ounce of effort to spread the gospel. But instead, my greatest efforts should be centered around my family, which would soon consist of my wife and I.
Heeding this prompting, my priorities and focus changed. I knew that protecting and strengthening my family, an eternal unit, was now the most important thing I could do. Missionary work, temple work, and family history work have never left my life though. But they have been moved to second priority, with a successful and happy marriage and family put as first priority. And this has been a source of indescribable joy, brought about by modern-day scripture.


  1. I love hearing about this experience you had! I am not surprised to hear that the Lord let you know that your dedication and constant effort to spread the Gospel during and after your mission was an acceptable offering to Him. Your family will be richly blessed as you dedicate yourself as completely to them.


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