Why I Created This Blog
From my earliest of years I have had a yearning for absolute truth. At times when the road ahead seems a little clouded with uncertainty, or when questions of life arise, I feel a strong need to find an answer. And I believe this is not unique to me, but is rather a general need embedded inside of everyone. I also feel drawn to know what the best way to live my life is. This too, I believe, is a feeling that almost every living person has to one degree or another.
But in recent years I have noticed a strange, and personally disturbing, cultural nuance in the lives of many around me. With the emergence of the internet in the digital age, many people have accepted (probably through second-nature reasoning) that to get an answer to a question all one needs to do is type it into Google. In addition, many have come to accept any answer or guidance given through social media, news articles, or randomly found websites as the right answer. No longer is it common to place a "level of truth" ranking on a source before it is considered accurate and reliable. And, even more troubling to me, many people conclude that there is no absolute truth or answer.

While I agree that much can be learned from internet sources, listening to the news, and hearing people's opinions, all of the most important answers and guidance I have found throughout my life have come from a different source. The Book of Mormon, the Bible, the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price, and the words of living prophets are what comprise this source. They have guided me in many ways that have changed my life. And more importantly, they have always given me an answer that I can know is based on God's absolute and eternal truths.
With the many experiences God has given me, that have helped me to see how valuable the scriptures are, I feel a need to share these stories of mine. My hope is that others will come to see, as I have, that the best source to turn to in times of uncertainty, questions, or spiritual need is the scriptures and words of God's modern-day prophets. These are the sources that can help anyone find light and truth.
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