Mormon 5:10

Most of the people I meet and become friends with eventually learn that it takes a really good book for me to like it enough to finish it. In fact, if the first couple pages don't catch my attention, the probability of me continuing any further is approximately zero. On very rare occasions, however, I am introduced to a book that greatly intrigues me, captures my full attention, and becomes a permanent life-changing literary source of mine. One of these books is The Book of Mormon . This book is one that I have read from such a young age, and never ceases to intrigue me with its stories and truthful teachings. Every time I read The Book of Mormon, one of the most memorable characteristics of the stories within is how often the people forget the Lord in times of prosperity. Whenever phrases such as "...and they were blessed beyond measure..." or "...and they began to prosper exceedingly..." appear, a red flag swiftly flies high in my mind with a reminder from...